I'm taking a break from that other Flash I posted about, since I got another shorter, simpler nerdy idea. This Flash is going to make fun of those "Get a Mac" ads which I loved when they played. It's going to be 30 seconds long and feature Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, as a Mac (duhr), and Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft, as a PC (double duhr). I have another episode similar to this upcoming one featuring an iPad instead of a Mac. I'm hoping it could spawn a second series! I'm entitling this one "Get a Steve - Mac," and the second "Get a Steve - iPad" since I'm going to make it more about Bill & Steve than the actual product.
Now, about my first series-NAVM13. William and I are planning to revive it, since it's been "dead," but I want to change the name and upload the videos on my YouTube Channel. The channel problem isn't an issue here since on Newgrounds, you can share author credit. I just think uploading onto a separate channel is a hassle. I also want to change the name from NAVM13 to something different, It's such a confusing name, and I want people to be able to find the videos, William agrees with me on these points.
Well, that's all! Bye!